Originally posted by J Geoff:
The program on now (Cathouse) is pretty good...

Yeah, ditto on the "not a season finale" caliber of a show, but otherwise decent. Overall a disappointing season for me, ranked 4th out of 4. I guess Chase is being smart calling it quits after next season - I guess they just don't have the really great storylines anymore...

Guess next week it'll be Malcom in the Middle

I agree that the cathouse show was a good almost an hour, but how much of that can you watch, surely not each and wever week...

and to tell the truth if Chase need some story lines or some feedback on his show, he should come here and take somethngs off our board.

Maybe it is time for fresh Ideas, and he could just use his great talent on putting them on air.
Show doesn't have to end because he get burned out. I bet his swollen head wouldn't allow him to let others take the lead, like most they think it is all them and no one else.
Just like some actors who think they ARE the whole show..yea right...

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."