Good solid show..Not a season final but a good solid show...wished several others were that well done.
Acting was the best of the season...Carm did a great job and the story line what was really got us. That came from out of the blue...

Just as always you never know who is going to get whack..twisted us again...No one major so all of us lost our bets.

I waited and watched the clock click by...and wanted something big to happened, but just another lose ending... Nothing left in the wind to wait for...BIG DEAL Tonys moving out...wouldn't call that a clif hanger or a I just can't wait to see what happens next move.

They better not make us wait to long for the next season, because this one was a little bit of a let down only because you know in your heart that it could be better. Not that it isn't great, but you can see some faults....

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."