[QUOTE]Originally posted by plawrence:
[QB]meadow didn't look so great to me...she could stand to lose about 20 pounds.QUOTE]

Plawrence, plawrence! Surely you're joking. She's in shape, not overweight. (Madonn', this is why girls become anorexic. Sigh.)

Anyway, excellent episode, I thought, with Johnny's duplicity revealed at last, and the diffusion of the desperately unhappy Furio/Carmela situation; whew; the only way to put out that fire was with the entire Atlantic Ocean. Good. And Meadow's assumption about the situation was intruiging; she could intuit what her father and brother could not (fortunately, for Furio's sake, after he's gone!; it will be interesting to see if she reveals her suspicions to her father).

You know, I thought Tony's dreams last week indicated he felt inarticulate and powerless, especially after he suspended his therapy; I thought perhaps we'd see him resorting to force rather than negotiation. But interestingly, it didn't happen this week, even with the Carmine incident; he put a halt to retaliation.

Which makes the show hard to predict, as always; which makes it very interesting, again, as always.