I've always thought the conversation that the bigshot movie producer has with Hagen as Hagen is leaving the studio was hysterical.

"You listen to me you smooth talking sunuvabitch! Johnny Fontaine will not be in that picture! I dont care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork!"

"I'm German-Irish."

"Well let me tell you something my Kraut mic friend...."

I always thought this little exchange of dialog was hilarious because it perfectly encapsulates the absurdity and idiocy of racism / ethnocentrism. It's almost as if the movie producer has a little "racial slur cheat sheet" that he carries with him, and upon discovering that Hagen wasn't Italian, he just flipped to the page that addresses the German-Irish combo. It's so engrained in his attitude and his speech that just from that small exchange, it's almost unthinkable that this guy could lose his temper at someone and *not* unleash a string of slurs. This pathetic quality about the movie producer is hilarious.

I dunno...maybe it's just me. I've always laughed pretty hard at that scene.