Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I thought this episode was really good! I can't believe Christopher killed the dog; I think Carm brings AJ with her to see Furio, for her own protection (so to speak); I got bad vibes with Silvio, Paulie and the crew as far as them not trusting Tony.

I don't quite understand why Tony is so upset over a horse, but perhaps he has other issues that will come out later.

If Chris doesn't go thru with his rehab, I don't think he'll last too much longer. btw, with Chris in rehab, do you think the FBI will stop hounding Adrianna??

After the ducks, horse and dog, it seems Tony has more feelings for animals then he does about humans.

I think Chris and Adrianna will make it to Season 5. It's clear either Paulie or Johnny Sac won't.
I'm really hoping Paulie does. He still is the funniest part of the show. There were some indirect spoilers in the local paper here recently. It mentioned several key people looking for more money next season. I guess it's safe to say they made it through season 4 if they're looking for more money in season 5.