Hey TIS!

yeah, I did like the unspoken "understanding" between the two!

What I don't get, is Carmella claims to have made her peace with his goomahs but obviously she hasn't. I know she loves him, but this is the life she chose, she knew that. I by no means am an advocate for betrayal, but this is a tv show and it's just part of the arrangement!

I did also feel sorry for Tony that Carmella wouldn't join in the light moment in the shower. I know she may have forgotten how, but she may never had enjoyed practical jokes, as she said he did that on her honeymoon and she found it unpleasant then too. That seems a shame she's lacking a goofball sense of humor, you need that in life....any life.

Also, she is not oh so innocent herself. If only in her heart. You know she would jump Furio in a second, and what about that contracter a few seasons ago that she hired to do her walls? If push came to shove you wonder how true to the marriage she'd be...Maybe we'll find out unfortunately at Furio's expense.

"Can't you act like a good Catholic for 15 f**king minutes?"