How fucking hilarious was that when fat ass Patsy Parisi (I think it was him) broke the chair?! In all, I thought this was a great episode! I liked it at the end when Tony was sitting with the animals and sort of "bonding" with them. How fucking annoying is Janice?! What does she want to do, marry Bobby? I don't get that, but then again, she is a moocher so it makes sense that she would try to dig her nails into a recently widowed Bobby for a free ride. Hopefully Bobby won't end up the same way as Richie did though, I like The Bobster. I also thought it was pretty damn hilarious when Uncle Junior gave the court artist the evil eye since he drew an unflattering picture of him...

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986