Giuliani Defends HBO's 'Sopranos'
Oct 10, 4:04 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - Repeat after Rudy: It's just a television show. It's just a television show ...

Former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani weighed in Thursday on whether cast members of HBO's "The Sopranos" should march in the Columbus Day Parade - and the ex-prosecutor's on the side of the television mob.

"I'm a big 'Sopranos' fan," Giuliani told reporters. "The show is a terrific show, and I would urge some Italian-Americans to be less sensitive. You could spend your whole life wanting to be insulted. ... Why? Why do you want to be insulted?"

His comments came a day after Mayor Michael Bloomberg drew criticism from parade organizers for inviting Dominic Chianese, who plays Tony Soprano's Uncle Junior on the show, and Lorraine Bracco, who plays psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi, to march in the city's annual celebration of Italian pride.

"I think we all get beyond it when we just relax more about it," Giuliani said. "It's just a show."

Parade organizers dislike "The Sopranos" because they say it's little more than a negative caricature of Italian-American life. The Columbus Citizens Foundation, which plans the event, previously has turned down requests for "Sopranos" actors to participate.

"I didn't invite them as members of 'The Sopranos.' I didn't invite any other member of 'The Sopranos' cast," Bloomberg said Wednesday. "These are two nice people who have gone out of their way to help the city."

"I apologize if anybody's offended," the mayor added. "If you are offended, don't wave back when they wave to you."

Larry Auriana, president of the foundation, said the show perpetuates negative stereotypes.

"Besides the whole crime element, it shows Italo-Americans as uneducated, low-life brutes," Auriana said.

Giuliani disagreed.

"I don't think we should feel sorry for ourselves," he said. "Italian-Americans have this thing they have to deal with, where people maybe have some prejudices because of the Mafia, which they shouldn't have."

But Giuliani said he can't march in the parade because he'll be in California, signing copies of his new book, "Leadership," and campaigning for Bill Simon, a Republican candidate for governor.


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Columbus Citizens Foundation

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

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