I can't believe that Chris's lovely girlfriend Adriana was hardly mentioned here (except by the equally lovely Don Corpuzzi ) .....

So, is she wearing a wire or just taking it all in to report back to the Feds?
She's being awfully quiet ...... you can see she's got that scared / hurt look on her face.
(She's scared that she's going to get hurt as soon as Chris or Tony find out she's been turned.)

What do the Feds think Adriana's going to be able to come up with? That woman Fed that was undercover ought to know by now the Chris doesn't tell much "business" stuff to his girlfriend....

Other notes:
That scene with Janice and Ralphie in bed was pretty sickening.

I had to laugh out loud when Christopher's take on the whole " Columbus / Indians " back and forth discussion between Tony and Silvio was to ask " Gary Cooper was Gay? "(paraphrase).
Kinda reminded me of last season when he and Paulie misunderstood the background of that Russian hitman and thought he was "an interior decorator", whose livingroom "looked like shit". (again, paraphrased.)

Oh yeah. Furio and Carm are gonna get it on sometime soon. That could be a hot scene.
On a related note: Don't need to see a Bobby / Janice coupling.

- Sue

Win if you can. Lose if you must. But always, always cheat.