Did anyone else notice that Karen was the same actress that played Big Pussy's wife? I swear it was the same one. I can't find the credits but when I saw her with the others at the luncheon I was thinking "Why was Pussy's wife there?". I then thought maybe she was Bobby's sister or something.

Is it just me? I swear it's the same person.

Looks like Paulie's setting up Ralphie pretty good. He's not blabbing. Yes he told a joke about Mrs. Sack but everybody laughed at it-Tony even grabbed him as if to say "good boy".

Was Janice doing what I think she was doing to Ralphie?

Furio was giving it back to Carm pretty good.

I like how Silvio had that look on his face when told that "James Caan's not Italian". He didn't know.