Aw, man! Heavy episode! I was saddened to see that Mr. Paul Pisano was correct about poor Bobby Baccala's Karen! I'm gonna have to stay away from your posts, Paul! And it looks like Bobby is going to be consoled by... Janice?!?! ! And what was Janice's deal with Ralphie?? Was that the only way she could break up with the guy?? Man! And is Ralphie a closet *** or what?? Yuck!
Paulie's yapping to Johnny Sack, Johnny Sack is royally pissed at Ralphie now (via the joke about Mrs. Sack)...and was it Paulie who leaked the information about Tony buying up property? I see a gang war on the horizon between New York and New Jersey. From the preview for next week, it even looked like someone was going to try and take out Tony.
Silvio went a little overboard over the Columbus-Indian thing. As Tony told him, "We're in business." And what was Artie going along for the ride for? Was that his "Wise Guy Try-out" or what? If it was, he failed miserably (big wuss).
It's obvious Carm's still got the hots for Furio. Where's that headed? I noticed Adriana is being awfully quiet these days...

Bottom line, another great episode!

Hey! Looks like J Geoff has an automatic editor now for racy words! Anyway, just FYI: The "***" above was a three-letter slang term for one who loves sex with someone of the same gender!

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)