Well I'm almost done with season one of the box sets and I must say, the episode called "A Hit Is A Hit" was fucking hilarious. The height of hilarity was when Chris broke the guitar over the back of the lead singer of Another Day and then the producer comes up and goes "Where are the FUCKING choruses?!"!!! That shit had me busting a gut...also, when Hesh gave it to Massive Genius straight and goes "Look, Tatala..." that brought a smile to my face. Although I am an Athiest now (and my parents pretty much are too), they did raise me Jewish. My mom used to call me Tatala, and I thought it was very humorous when Hesh said it to Massive Genius.

Anyway, like I said, The Sopranos does have some of the best writers in the world.

I have seasons two and three waiting (I just couldn't wait until I was done with season one to get them), and I can't wait to watch them!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986