True, the quality of Scarface could be better, especially for DVD. If you look at the Sopranos box set DVDs, the quality is AMAZING. That's the clearest I've seen on any DVD to date. One thing I did notice, however is something I have noticed a few times in movies and TV shows: If you look at "The Legend Of Tennessee Moltisanti", or, First Season, Episode Eight, I noticed an interesting little discrepancy. Right after Chris and Georgie dig up the body there is a scene with Dr. Melfi and her ex-husband Richard talking in a field. If you look closely towards the middle of the scene up until the end of the scene, it looks like a cheap Japanese Godzilla movie. What's up with the bad voice-lip synching? I have seen this happen from time to time in DVDs, TV shows, and is because the audio track is slightly off for a few seconds?

As for having a sit-down, wherever you want to meet! We should gather some other people from California to see if they want to meet as well.

Don Corpuzzi, how old are you? Do you go to school?

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986