Snake: A subtitle feature would have been a great addition...sometimes, no matter how many times I play it back, I can't understand what the fuck someone is saying...I don't know why subtitles weren't all the mob movies I have I always watch them with subtitles because let's face it: some of the shit the guys say is hard as hell to understand!

Don Corpuzzi: I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the ease of finding Scarface in stores. You see, I work in a video store and since SO MANY people ask for it all the time it shows something: there is an extremely high demand for the film. Since it is out-of-print, it makes it even more of a collector's item. Now, I know someplace in California must still have a copy, but it would just be SO hard to find it. In fact, I challenge you to try and find it used or unused anywhere in the USA! I guarantee you won't find very many.
Either way, thanks for the offer, I probably would have got it from you if I knew about these boards back then. How much would you have sold it for? It's obviously open right? Can I possibly see a picture of it?
And by the way, A Bronx Tale is a great, great, great mob film, that I might purchase sometime in the future. It is at my store for $14.99 and I can get it for $9.99, so maybe I'll consider it!

To anyone: do any of you have The Sopranos Family History book? Is it any good? I saw some at B. Dalton Booksellers in the mall I work at for like $5.47 or something. That's down from $ looked like a good book...anybody care to write a review?

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986