It'll be interesting to see what the Feds do to Adriana...I mean, she's fucked both ways! She can either co-operate or sit in jail...hmmm, what's the better choice?

I think it'll be great to see what Tony does to Christopher when he finds out about his drug habit...sooner or later they're gonna be at a bath-house or sauna or something, and Christopher is gonna slip his shoes know something's gonna go down when that happens...

And Junior's trial will be fucking hilarious, no doubt!

Edit: Oh, and how funny was it when Meadow goes to the psychologist and she ends up saying she should go to Europe...on top of that, she says she'll give her a recommendation! HAHAHA! Irony at its greatest.

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986