Originally posted by Snake:
[b]Tonight's Episode: "No-Show" The HBO comments say that Christopher is to become 'acting capo.' I'm assuming he'll head up Paulie's crew while Paulie cools his jets in the city jail. Between that, Meadow, Danielle, Janice & Ralphie, and Danielle, oughta' be interesting! [/b]
Can't wait to see what happens Snake!!

Even more of a reason for Paulie to jump ship and go to the other side.

As for Danielle and Tony hope to see a remake of them going at it like Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin in "Sea of Love" up against the wall baby!!

"He who fights with monsters should look at it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."