Alllriight! Dropped by after work and finally picked mine up today! Looks like a Sopranos marathon weekend at the 'Snake's Pit' this weekend! We'll meet back here after Labor Day and compare notes!

(BTW: I won a Sopranos prize pack from MY FAVORITE LOCAL RADIO STATION too. Had the music CD from season 1, a deck of Sopranos playin' cards, key chain, nice shirt [ a medium, though...had to give it to the ol' lady!], 'The Wire' cap, HBO picture frame, HBO tote bag, and a huge 'Sex & the City' mug with the logo on one side and 'Mr. Big' on the other! Pretty cool!)

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)