Lolly, after you watch the movie a few times it is easier to pick up on little thing.

For instance, the Tahoe Assassins. You watch the movie the first time and think Mike is having a party, he's about to go to sleep and SOMEONE tries to kill him. Go outside find out that the Assassins aren't going to tell you who sent them because they are dead- move on with the story.

I watched it a second time and just looking for little things I missed and when the guards are running through the trees I thought who in the world killed them?

Of course people might have picked up on it the first time they watched it but for me I can only look for the "overall" theme of the movie the first time I see it.

And most of us here have seen it 20/30/40 times. When you know what is happening you are able to look at other things. Vito's hand in the hospital for example.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"