I would have to say that my favorite sublety, (although the film is rife with them), is when you witness Woltz's horror and screaming at the sight of his $600,000 horse sperm-donor's bloody head on his bed and while he is screaming, the film pans to Don Vito sitting very casually in a chair with his eyebrows lazily raised up in a sort of nonchalant expression of indifferentism as if to say "so what did you expect?". The look lingers a little while and then he asks Tom if he was too tired to talk about the Solotzzo business. Priceless...Brando was a nutcase, but he was a heckofan awesome actor. Truly, there are none like him today...none.

~~ Lolly

"Sono una roccia; Sono un'isola...una roccia non ritiene dolore; un'isola non grida mai."