Originally posted by Turnbull:
Though it's not my "favorite," one of the most powerful and disturbing scenes in "Sopranos" was when Melfi was raped. Not only was the rape far more brutal and disturbing than the usual run-of-the-mill stylized TV/Hollywood violence, but the agony Melfi suffered afterwards was powerfully portrayed. After the "justice system" let the perp walk because of a screw-up, we saw Melfi--who had already been having problems with her feelings for Tony--agonizing about whether to tell Tony, which would have assured that the perp got rough justice, but would have forever changed her relationship with him, probably for the worse. In the end, she showed tremendous courage by resisting the temptation and maintaining her professional detachment. I had mostly given up on the Melfi character to that point, but she made a strong comeback in that episode.
I can agree with this one. When Melfi was raped by that lowlife, a part of me wanted her to tell Tony real bad. Cause I knew full well that the lowlife who raped her would get justice Mob Style. But I have to agree she showed tremendous courage to keep her mouth shut and not to tell Tony.

I have also liked this one scene from season 2 can't remember which episode it came from. But Tony & Carmela are in bed discussing Meadow, when she got caught having a party in her grandmothers house.

And Tony says. "If she finds out we're powerless we're f*cked"

I laughed so hard when I first heard that, I thought I was going to die. it was real tough catching my breath after that one.