I apologise if this has been done before.
I know we have a lot of Sopranos Fans out there.

I thought it might be fun if everyone said what their favourite scene in the Sopranos seasons
was and why.

My favourite is in Season 2 when Paulie gets spooked about what Chris Moltianti sees in hell/purgatory and his girlfriend suggests a psychic.

That guy was so spooky it was great - superb acting. Those mad eyes as he talked to Paulie's first hit across the room. And Paulie just panics shouts "F****** weirdos' and throws a chair across the room.

What was even funnier was when he complains to his local preist. Because Paulie was paying for lots of church improvements over the years
" I should have had immunity from this shit"!

How about it everyone?
Favourite Soprano moment & why?