The Sopranos is such a great show. I just finished watching the first two seasons on DVD. I just got HBO and now they are starting at the beginning of season 3. Sweet!

Favorites are too hard to mention as they are so numerous.

Episodes: I seem like the episodes where the traditional good guy/bad guy roles are reversed and we are cheering for the bad guys (the mobsters) instead of the good guys. The ones that come to mind:
* In season 1, the mob is under investigation and every is trying to keep low. But Christopher is mad because he is not listed as a mobster in the newspapers. Great stuff. Also one of my favorite scenes, where Christopher holds up the bakery because he is being disrespected.

* The episode where Tony and Meadow take a trip to the college. One of my favorite lines is from this episode: "There is no mafia."

* The first episode of season 3. Not actually a great episode, but I liked the way they had me rooting for the Sopranos and against the Feds.

He never coulda outfought Santino.