SC: Oh yes, that Pine Barrens scene was right up there with the golf course! And it probably was the champ for largest number of snappy lines in "Sopranos" (though "Sex in the City" is probably the wittiest TV show).
Among my other favorite "Sopranos" lines:
--Ralphie, after being made a Capo, shows up late for a meeting with the guys. Paulie gigs him for being late. Ralphie says, "Well, next week I might be on time, but you'll still be stupid."
--Carm gigs Tony about the Russian mistress, noting that some other guy with a mistress made her pregnant, to the embarrassment of the entire family, plus, what about sexually transmitted diseases? Tony indignantly replies: "I had her tested for AIDS!!! What kinda guy do you think I am???" (My sister characterized that exchange as "twisted male logic.")
--Tony, encountering a guy who refuses to remove his baseball cap in Artie's restaurant, intimidates him into removing it, calling the guy a "sfacin'" (pronounced "sfa-CHEEN," basically means "jerk-off.") I'm not Italian, but I grew up in Italian neighborhoods, so I'm familiar with Neapolitan and Sicilian expressions. "Sfacin' is a Neapolitanism, hadn't heard since the old neighborhood. In the immortal Lena Wertmuller film, "Seven Beauties," the great Giancarlo Giannini, playing the two-bit Neapolitan gangster Pasqualino Settebellizza, refers to a local pimp as a "sfacin' a mierda," which the subtitle translates as "son of a bitch."

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.