Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
It's like the Kennedy's. Once you go beyond the first & second generations, the interesting members who actually made the name famouse (Joe, Rose, Jack, Bobby/Vito, Michael, Sonny, Tom etc...), once you start delving into the grandchildren, cousins, etc, and begin stetching the story into a million different directions, the dynamics that made it so compelling are forever changed. The overall story loses so much of the magnetism and intrigue.
One part in all of these fanscripts that keeps returning, is a series of flashbacks (à la GF II) with the rise of Vito and the old guys, you know, the '27 - '45 years.
Do you oppose that as well? Since that isn't in conflict with your commplains about stretching the story too far.
The characters are there (from Part I and Part II) and the storylines are there too (the Book, now known to you).

I have a slight clue :rolleyes: you will be against any GF IV, but I just wanted to point out that your argument isn't always true.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.