so, tell u guys how I did it

Well... I borrowed an image from this site, (The one where Michael Corleone becomes the new Godfather) cropped the image that I wanted and toned down the contrast and opacity.

Then, I re-read the book and carefully highlighted the lines that refer, talk about, describe, or said by Michael Corleone not wishing to be a part of the family business. It then culminates up to the scene where Mike describes about killing Sollozzo and McClusky. Then I type each line, word for word, using different fonts and such until all those lines were completed in the darkened portions of the image.

Call it my version of duality.

Take Care
Don Crazyman

"Tonight, The Crazyman family settles its accounts. Monkey and Strawboy, those lil amatuer artist f*cks. they've been screwing with us since the beginning. F*ck'em.
Izabela, my ex-g/f, Tracey will pay her a visit, at her home.
Ruben, take a train to Holman, light a candle for professor Nyman."