Yeah, I was being satirical/facetious/disingenuous/whatever you want to call it in my post with the proposed cast. I know, of course, that this thread is about a satirical Godfather remake and there are no plans for such a remake nor (in my opinion for the time being) should there be. I know it's fun to speculate what a possible remake would look like using today's actors and I was just having a little fun with it myself. I meant no offense Don Z., I was a little pissed cuz I thought that you guys had misinterpreted what was clearly meant to be a joke or you knew it was a joke and were just yanking my chain so to speak. In that case, then, I misinterpreted your responses. In any case, I heard a rumour that The Godfather Part III.V is coming out soon and it will feature Michael Corleone coming back from the dead and hunting down all the members of Mosca's family and exacting sweet revenge on them one by one. :p