Originally posted by BarrytheBull:
... go back and show us Sonny, Fredo and Michael as kids, experiencing life as a Corleone......show us how they interacted, Sonny's temper, Fredo's wussiness, and Michael defiance. Show us what it was like when Vito was the king.....of course, it would be hard to portray him, but they have done more than that with movies, so it could be done. Maybe have Michael on that chair at the end of GF3, sitting back thinking of his brothers, and their time together.....and maybe when he thinks of Fredo, and killing him.....that is when he drops dead. Whatcha think???

We already know all of that, from GF and GFII. There's no need to tell a 'fill-in' story of the Corleone sons as boys and what made them the men the became (and didn't become).
Who cares? The important parts of the story have been told, and told extremely well.

It would be like cutting a big hole into the middle of a luscious cake, filling it in with paper napkins and then icing over it to make it look as nice as before. Somebody cuts in expecting a yummy treat...and gets nothing but paper and air.

Basically, you'd be ruining the cake.

Leave it alone; and let the fans use their own imaginations (if they have any) to figure out every little detail that wasn't wasn't put on the screen.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.