When I first saw Godfather II, i definetly thought they were setting up Tom's betrayal of Mike, just by that opening scene.

When Mike asks Tom to leave, it seems like the camera is purposely staying on Tom to show how angry is he about this, and then even when Tom leaves the room and Mike is talking, the camera still stays on Tom. I definetly thought this would lead to some sort of storyline later in the movie but it never really panned out.

Originally posted by Olivant:
Mike's belief that Tom was, in part, responsible for Sonny's death
interesting thought, I never saw it that way. It always seemed to me like Mike didn't shun Tom because of some personal vendetta he held against him, just seemed like he was trying to protect him. Makes you wonder again about Tom's mysterious death and if Michael had anything to do with it. But thats a whole 'nother topic smile

"By the way, I admire your pictures very much."
- Tom Hagen