I finally got around to reading the story line you guys have put together and it is pretty interesting.

As you know I have put together a story line for GF IV - and GF V - in another thread, but that concentrates almost completely on the struggles *within* the Corleone family as to who is going to control the family enterprises.

What would probably be pretty cool would be some kind of amalgam of both ideas - mixing the intrigue of (Stein)Hauser and the baseball owners (who are the closest thing to mafioso we have in the real world) with the struggles between the grandsons of Vito Corleone over who will eventually control the empire he founded.

In GF III, Vincent Mancini came out of nowhere and made a meteoric rise in the family. Anthony Corleone rejected any idea of following his father in "the business." We know from GF I and II that Santino Corleone Jr. and Michael Francis Rizzi/Corleone are out there, but no explanation is given as to what happened to them.

My story line would bring those guys back in the picture - and also explain what happened to the "lost cousins," Santino's son Frank and Connie's son Victor.

GF IV, in my opinion, would have to deal with "the Happy years" from 1927-1941 when Vito Corleone rose from a neighborhood gang leader to a national underworld figure, and also cover how his grandsons would seek to fulfill his legacy and battle for control of his empire.

GF V, then, would deal with the aftermath of the battles of succession among Vito's grandsons - finally concluding with the final serving of justice on Vito's final heir - the child who most fully fulfilled the legacy of his career - the final inheritor of the consequences of his life, Constanzia Corleone.

And GF V would also explore the legacy of blood vengeance carried over from Sicily - how Antonio Andolini was himself the son of a regional don, Michele Andolini, a fair yet fearsome man, who was eliminated by the ambitious and duplicitous Don Ciccio, setting up a cycle of revenge that might not play out for over 100 years.

Anyway, write up some more of your version, tack it on, it's fun to read.

"You did good."