And here are some additions to the plot. I still have to some of my plot as well and I am going to review the scenes in the 3 GFs to see how they are ordered:

I. Funeral of Kay and flashbacks of Michael’s thoughts with Kay paralleled with those of Vincent’s of Mary.

II. Family Gathering (New Year’s Eve, Christmas, etc…)

A. Michael hands over all the control of the business over to Vincent, even his minority investments in the company and announces he will no longer be a consultant to Vincent and is moving to Sicily to retire. After this Vincent asks Michael to be his consigliere, that he needs guidance through this new business deal with Hauser. Michael refuses, and retreats to Sicily.

B. Vincent requests to meet with Anthony, he confronts him on his drug problem and asks him about his financial problem, all of which he knows about through his connections. Vincent points out he doesn’t want to tall his father because of his fragile condition since Mary and Kay’s deaths. Anthony, boozed up and a bit high goes off on an angry rant about his father being responsible for Mary’s death, at which Vincent gets so enraged and angry that he instantly quiets Anthony. Anthony elaborates about his feelings to his father.

C. Hauser comes to Vincent and confesses to him that the team is in serious financial trouble. Vincent agrees to help out, throws some money Hauser’s way expecting the problem to fix itself. Knowing that this is all that Vincent will ever do, Hauser leaves frustrated, and decides to contact Cortovino for help.

III. Vincent meets with two of his Capos at a warehouse in the Bronx

A. 2 Capos who are hard faced middle aged Italian men come to Vincent and ask to meet with him, they meet in the middle of the night in an office in a warehouse. They ask for permission to sell drugs complaining they are losing ground because other gangs are dealing drugs in their neighborhood. Vincent gets annoyed by is controlled, particularly due to his relationship with Anthony and his realization of the stance of the law on drug dealing turns them down in a very even manor, leaving them with confidence.

IV. Baseball meetings in Houston

A. Hauser tells Vincent that Las Vegas will build him a new stadium and market the teams in casinos, etc. and all the owners back him up on this point.
B. Vincent objects and states that team will remain in NYC. Abuses Hauser in some way, Hauser gets upset, leaves.

V. The fundraising Gala (shorter scene)

A. At an fundraising gala Pregento makes his appearance. He meets Vincent and Hauser (he doesn’t’ know Hauser at all, they are being used by Controvino seperatly). He enters with the grace and air of an ex-president. He asks Vincent if he would be interested in helping the Italian people at another benefit he is putting together.

B. Meanwhile it cuts to Anthony drinking hot tea and in pain emanating from his vocal chords after a short performance. When Anthony retires in the washroomm taking out a baggie of drugs to help him with the pain, Pregento meets up with him and talks to him, confronts him on his problems expertly and convinces him to enter drug rehab. Pregento also adds how he should do if for his father, who has been through enough. If his father knew of Anthony’s problem he would die.

C. Vincent socializing and then looks at a pair of teens, the girl being 18 years old resembling mary and is visibly reminiscing

VI. First Sonny Flashback #1, the one with him and the girl.

VII. Anthony in rehab/Vincent Figuring thing out

A. Anthony in rehab is met with Pregento who asks Anthony to do a benefit concern, saying he will erase his debt, which will be paid for by the foundation as a kickback.

B. Vincent gets a lead from Contoivno and his potential benefit from the contract of the LV stadium construction.

VIII. Anthony’s Opera Performace

A. Vincent attends the performance, Michael attends as well, sits alone from the rest of the family.
B. After performance, Vincent is blockaded down the street and an attempt is made on his life.
C. Surviving, Vincent flees to Sicily, leaving Alfredo in charge of the family.

Something has to be here to thicken the plot, we can't go right from the assassination into the Sonny Plot, there has to be additional plot development.

IX. Sonny's 2nd and most involved flashback involving a plot against vito and a headstrong and brave Sonny making his own name for himself.

X. Sicily with Michael

A. Vincent sees Michael who wants nothing to do with him when he sees that business has threatened Vincent's life again. Eventually Michael takes him in.
B. Here are where the flashbacks with Sonny take place.
C. Michael tells Vincent stories of Sonny while he gets better.
D. 3rd flashback involving Vito bailing out Sonny & getiing him out of the situation
E. 2nd Assasination plot is hatched with Donkey boy
F. Vincent bonds with the people of his homeland
F. Last Sonny Flashback with him running a number's house and returning home for Christmas dinner
G. After clearing his head, and with the indirect help of Michael, Vincent is able to see who is behind his assassination attempt. Leaves for America.

XI. Back in NYC

A. Vincent has Cortovino, Hauser, Hegler, and the Remaining Owners killed.
B. Takes over majority ownership of the Knights.