Originally posted by Busta:
I liked some of those ideas. I liked the girl for Connie, mark wahlberg for young sonny, billy bob thornton as young tessio, sean penn as young hyman, clooney would be good for moe greene but thats a smaller part where im sure ego would get in the way, ha. I like Nic Cage as Santino Jr. at the end also. I dont really like the guy you picked as Michael, ive never seen him before and hes not that good looking. I know Pacino wasnt that well known when GF came out but if its gonna be a nobody, its gotta be someone with dark hair that is good looking. And with Fredo, you need to find someone that looks exactly like him cuz John Cazale's face is very defined and not too many people look like him. So it has to be someone with a high forehead like Cazale and really skinny body.

I like the idea too although it seems really sad at the end, but I guess thats what will happen to a family when they get into that kind of business. And I dont think Kay would encourage Anthony to get in the business after losing Mary. Im guessing Kay and Anthony would despise Michael after that and would probably cut off all communication after her death which is why Michael was alone. You could bring Michael back into the story but the key is makin sure he ends up alone at the end, otherwise GF3 doesnt make any sense.
Thanks, good catch. My idea is that seeing Mary's murder would so deeply shock Kay as to drive her partly insane and completely out of character - instead of wanting safety and security she would adopt Michael's methods, and she be consumed with hate and a wish for revenge, and she would see Anthony (working with Michael and Vincent) as a way to get this revenge.

My choice for younger Michael is Michael Imperioli (Chrissy from The Sopranos), who I believe does resemble Al Pacino in the earlier scenes from GFI and does have a delivery reminiscent of Michael in the early scenes in GFI.

Young Fredo, believe it or not, is Dustin Diamond ("Screech" from Saved By The Bell ), who has the kind of gawky nerdy look you need for Fredo and most definitely a squeaky voice.

And I agree 100% with you on the concept of new characters- that's why in my little outline above, there is only one completely NEW character (Vincent's son Vito) - all the others are characters we already know exist from GF I , II and II (Santino Jr. and Michael Rizzo Corleone) who would simply be introduced into major roles.

In fact, we would go back and patch a couple of holes in the plot of GFII by using the flashback sequences to explain where Hyman Roth and Frank Pentangeli came from. (We would see Roth dealing in smuggled goods and gambling with Vito, helping to set up Moe Greene as the first kingpin in Vegas, and we would see Pentangeli as a tight paisan of both Vito and Clemenza and learn why he becomes a trusted old family friend.)

Nobody just 'appears' out of nowhere (a-la Vincent and Altobello in III, Roth and Pentangeli in II).

Plus, I tried to figure out somewhat plausible explanations as to where Santino Jr. and Mikey Corleone would have been in earlier chapters (i.e., 'living straight' and doing time in jail, respectively).

For instance, we know that Connie's kids were already getting in trouble with the law in 1958 in GF II (Michael tells her that one of her kids was picked up for shoplifting). So it would not be a stretch to think Mikey would grow up involved in crime - he was already headed that direction 25 years before.

P.S. _ I have Nic Cage as Michael (Rizzo) Corleone, the final Godfather.

Wahlberg I think would be a great choice as a younger Sonny. He resembles Jimmy Caan pretty closely and he has the aura of a young hair-trigger hotheaded punk that Sonny has to have.

I also have him playing Santino Jr. in the 80s/90s sequence (he'd have to be aged by the makeup artists, since Santino Jr. would be in his late 30s/early 40s by that time, while Santino sr. was only in his 20s in the 1930s sequence) and of course it's cheesy to double-cast like that, but if the alternativ is Leonardo DiCaprio...

Mark Wahlberg as a young Sonny Corleone, I could buy. DiCaprio? No way. Not even close. :rolleyes:

"You did good."