I liked some of those ideas. I liked the girl for Connie, mark wahlberg for young sonny, billy bob thornton as young tessio, sean penn as young hyman, clooney would be good for moe greene but thats a smaller part where im sure ego would get in the way, ha. I like Nic Cage as Santino Jr. at the end also. I dont really like the guy you picked as Michael, ive never seen him before and hes not that good looking. I know Pacino wasnt that well known when GF came out but if its gonna be a nobody, its gotta be someone with dark hair that is good looking. And with Fredo, you need to find someone that looks exactly like him cuz John Cazale's face is very defined and not too many people look like him. So it has to be someone with a high forehead like Cazale and really skinny body.

I like the idea too although it seems really sad at the end, but I guess thats what will happen to a family when they get into that kind of business. And I dont think Kay would encourage Anthony to get in the business after losing Mary. Im guessing Kay and Anthony would despise Michael after that and would probably cut off all communication after her death which is why Michael was alone. You could bring Michael back into the story but the key is makin sure he ends up alone at the end, otherwise GF3 doesnt make any sense.