Well, thats why I suggested a prequel and a sequel to the GODFATHER story, as THE GODFATHER TRILOGY was mainly Michael's story, showing his father's begginings to cover their intial similarities and differences, and also enstrengthen and advance Michael's story more. I just think if the film is not called THE GODFATHER PART IV will be better in many ways. Think about it.

Also, I changed my mind about Sean Pean. You were right. However, while on vacation, I had this weird idea of using Edwards Norton as Vito. And you know what? It could work, as he is in my opinion one of the best 5 actors of this generation, and Vito Corleone could just be the role that would nail his acting majesty.

De Niro, I think wouldn't fit for the role, simply he is too old and also because he may not want to do it. Besides, with that reasoning the producers could have re-hired Brando for THE GODFATHER PART II, demanded that he lose weight and learn some Sicilian, and thus, no Robert De Niro as Vito. But instead they went off the other way, the harder one. Find a new actor, equally good. And De Niro delivered, perhaps more then the producers could ever hope for. So I encourage that this could happen now, too. I mean, why not?

The higher up you go, the crookeder it becomes..