FFC all the way.
SCORCESE should help with the script
and direction
Or Tarantino, because hes such a great mimic.
But yeah FFC could bring them all together.

hey the other day I saw Decaprio LEO at a Borders across from the Bev Center LA...he was browsing...he looked conspicous hiding but still in front of him I asked for and purchased the GODFATHER book by our man Mario P. i said outloud, please the Originial not the New one. I wish hed play Sonny, hes tall like Caan. Anyways, why not have ED NORTON play Young Vito, or Deniro play Vito in the Thirties, and people STOP DISSING PART THREE it was GENIUS...remember, It sets up the next one for greatness, definately ANdy G as Vincent C.

Please oh pretty please with sugar on top FFC!!!
But sofia probably would not touch another GF movie because you dorks dissed her (well the haters did)i thought she was great, especially when she meets vinnie (ill give you a hint my father is Italian) the lil ho!

Ill make him an offer he wont refuse...