If FFC will not do it, there leaves several potential options:

Sophia Coppola is out because although talented, it seems obvious that she doesn't have the right type of vision for a Godfather film. Spike Jonz is her husband? Him-- never!

Al Pacino would be a great choice, because he basically is the trilogy. He is The Godfather. His vision would undoubtebly be excellent.

George Lucas would be an interesting choice because he is arguably the closest with work basics to FFC as anyone. Remember back before Star Wars they owned a company together. He could definatly bring an epic vision of scope to The Godfather.

Steven Spielberg is a master director. With films like Schindler's List, he has proven a master storyteller all around. Not on anyone's potential list, but I'd add him.

Brian DePalma is out. So is Quentin Tarantino. Scarface was good; Pulp Fiction was far too strange. Neither have the right vision for a Godfather film, however. Even Scarface falls in shame before the Godfather.

Martin Scorsese is the obvious #1 choice. He is an excellent teller of mob stories, and the greatest mob filmmaker next to FFC. Goodfellas is of the same vision as The Godfather.

My choices would be as follows:

1. Martin Scorsese
2. George Lucas
3. Steven Spielberg

All of course if FFC doesn't do it.

"Today I settled all family business, so don't tell me you're innocent, Carlo-" Michael Corleone

"I punks ed i gruppi ed i rappers moderni hanno avuti timore migliore il sole aumentante di questa cosa di il nostro."