Originally posted by Chilltown:
I really think FFC's best days are behind him. Truthfully, with the exception of GFIII, he has struggled for nearly two decades for acclaim right? I think he's good as retired, bring on Sofia Coppola's Godfather Part IV, i say!
well, kids may think of "Jack" as good, and he did make a decent lawyer-film called "The Rainmaker" with Matt Damon and Danny DeVito.

But Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) was a good movie, and I think most of his movies from the 1980's proved him right on some level. For one thing he has a nose for talent.

Yes his 'failures' from the eightties might have ruined his reputation, but after four of the best movies of the seventies, the guy has all the credit in the world.

I still sincerely hope he will put through Megalopolis but I doubt it will ever get to the big screen; he's been strugglign with it for over 15 years now, and there does not seem to be any progress in it. too bad, it sounded like a kick-ass project