i don't see the physical resemblance....but more importantly....i don't agree that he's a great actor.
pacino not being in it would make the movie worse....but ofcourse...i'm goign to assume he's not going to be in it.
they shoudln't do the movie if they can't get garcia or someone to play young sonny (di caprio is right now at the head of that race).....but i really think they need di niro to play an older vito. i think he'd be great for it....and if he doesn't....then i think the movie will suffer more...but if he's in it...people may consider putting it in a league with godfather part III....but of course never touching part I and II. if they could somehow get pacino to get on board....man....this movie would have some serious potential. i'd say it would be possible if they get di niro, pacino, talia shire, garcia, and di caprio....not only would this bring in serious money....it may be better than part III.
the plot line they could use.....focus on tiem period after mary's death and pacino's death...focusing on vincent and pacino and talia shire. then they could do flashbacks to a young sonny (ci caprio) and this would be when michael is just starting college or something....and the don would be di niro.

if wishes were horses, beggars would ride