It is so easy to compare these movies because of their time of release and their subject matter. its like comparing Saving Private Ryan to A Thin Red Line or Elizabeth to Shakespeare In Love. It automattically leads one to be inferior (in the critics minds they were ATRL and E respectively) but because of their year of release they will FOREVER have that comparison.
I had never read a single article of GFIII before i watched it. as a matter of fact i though they were all one long movie that was collectively the greatest movie ever. When i had seen them all III was my absolute favorite and anyone who disagrees has all the reason to in the world. I myself found GFII to be tedious and boring, and thus i appreciate those who respect that opinion.
i do HOWEVER definitely believe in media brainwash. it doesn't effect everyone but it is there and it always will. ie Scorscese backlash causing sudden hated to the early critical darling GONY. its all whose in Vogue...