Originally posted by mr. soprano:
...what if the godfather 3 had won best picture at the oscars and best director and so on? would every so called godfather fan still dislike it? i have a theory that most people in here follow what critics have to say...
Except it DIDN'T win all those Oscars. And even though it received several nominations, I STILL didn't like it.

As for following what the 'critics have to say...', there are several critics AND members of this board who have proclaimed it to be an excellent film though not on par with GF and GFII.

I STILL didn't like it.

And I've seen Goodfellas too - in the theaters during its original release. It is a FAR better film than GFIII. I predicted to my friend as we were leaving that Joe Pesci would win an Oscar. Only sad thing about that was that even though he deserved it, he had to beat out Al Pacino for Dick Tracy Without Pesci in the running, Pacino would've won.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.