i never even think of the GF films as a triloGy since GF III is so unimpressinG that it doesnt even count for me as a GF movie. i aGree with Mike Sullivan that GF III somewhat tarnishes the brilliance of GF I and II. as such, i´d like to see the story continued in some way, be it book or movie - to see if its possible to Give GF the endinG it truly deserves. but they should try somethinG new instead of another movie - since it would always have to compete with two masterpieces, set after such a lonG period of time. it has been brouGht up here before, and i must confess that i´d REALLY like to see a hiGh quality mini TV-series or somethinG of the kind´, fillinG in the missinG years (Santinos rise in his fathers empire, Tom cominG into the family, etc.) a series would be a new challenGe. there´s still a lot of material that i´d like to see filmed. as for Vincent, chop him into the chimney like other woodworks. :p

"i understand you have to deal with a lot of people who try to seem more important than they are. In my case the reverse is true." -Tom Hagen