Originally posted by Patrick:
too bored, and confusing. michael's being shot at one minute then they go to some guy who can't speak english. vito or something? i don't understand it. i guess i'm just too young for the godfather.
yo pac...you need to have somebody watch GF 1 and 2 with you and walk u through it or read the book so you can understand it better because the stories in the godfathers are 1,000,000 times better than scarface....you just might not be pickin it up because you are probably obsessed with guns and fights...but trust me if you understand the story, you'll like it better than scarface...scarface really wasnt that great...i wish i could watch GF 2 with you and show you everything

"never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut"
-jimmy conway

"like that..POOF..he's gone"
-verbal kint