Originally posted by wilheim:
There is a big gap between the time middle aged Vito kills Don Ciccio and the Connie wedding. What about the time before Don Ciccio and the Genco Olive Oil sign scene. We know there was a war with the Maranzano organization, the Capone goons who Luca killed so violently. Sonny as a teenager going to work for the Don after he tells him he saw him murder Fanucci. The Irish gang incident where the Don is shot. Michael finnally putting to rest any worries concerning his manhood. The Don and Luca getting Johhnny's contract back from the band leader. Clemenza taking Sonny under his wing and teaching him how to kill. Earlier Sonny finding a destitute Tom Hagen as a half blind street urchin. The family move to Long Island. A workable script could be written, but alas all the characters as we know them would have to be recast and that would never work. As far as a movie of post Michael involving Vincent is a real longshot.

If FFC directs it, I wonder who he would have replace Vito then...since both DeNiro and Brando are too old/different to play the part of older-but-not-middle-aged Vito...

I think another Vito would be a mistake...or another Michael...