well guys, i may be the only one to say this, but im actually hoping the make a godfather IV. it may sound stupid as i am a realist and understand that the odds of them making something as special as 1 or 2, or even 3 is not so good. but i mean just to be able to have hope that they can still create a masterpiece is there for me. it's just a feeling i get when i think of the idea of having robert de niro, andy garcia, and other possible great actors in this next movie under the guidence of a legendary director. the possibilities are endless. like i say it's just hope, a dream if i may call it that. but it's there. i hope no one will think im nuts.

"strange things happen all the time, and so it goes and so it goes. and the book says, 'we may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us'" - MAGNOLIA