Originally posted by Irish_Consigliere:
As for her not being involved in family business, if that's so then why does Neri accept her go ahead on the Zaza hit? And why does Michael allow her to stay in the office during the whole ear biting affair? He knew what was going to be discussed. If Connie wasn't involved he would have told her to leave. He wouldn't let Hagen stay for the discusion with Ola in Lake Tahoe to demonstrate that he's not involved in family business. If the same were true of Connie I think similar action would be taken.
Of course Connie was allowed to stay, she was trying to help Vincent get a better position in Michael's organisation. As for Al... well, Connie is Michael's sister. With Michael incapcitated, perhaps Al wasn't sure that Mike would take too kindly to Al refusing to help Connie? Of course, Al is wrong, but that's how I saw it.

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately..." wink