Originally posted by Irish_Consigliere:
I think the point you've all missed in this thread is that is that by the begining of GF3 Connie IS consigliere. Michael's Got BJ running his business affairs, but he pointedly leaves the room when anything criminal is being discussed and at that point Connie always takes over. For example when Michael is in the hospital Neri only goes along with the hit on Zaza when Connie gives the go ahead. Thus donoting her semi-accepted role of being in charge when Michael's out of the picture. Also, she's the only one who needs to be asked twice wheter she understands when Michael's expressing his displeasure at the hit on Zaza
Hold on... we never saw that happen! When did we see Harrison leaving the room when Michael started discussing criminal matters? Yeah, he was never around, and yes, that probably does mean he was only the family lawyer, but I don't recall such a scene. Making you're thinking of Tom in GF2...

Connie wants Vincent to be in charge of the family because she loves him, he's her nephew, she really believes he'd be best to take care of the family. Remember how it was implied she was closest to her brother Sonny? She sees Sonny in Vincent, and I'm betting thats what makes her believe Vincent "is the only one with my father's strength."

The hit was Zasa... remember how Michael was VERY annoyed with Connie in the hospital scene? Yeah, he's annoyed with Al, but he's REALLY pissed with Connie. She's his sister, she's the one who's cared for him all these years, and now she's getting in on his business when he's not around. The look he gives her, is saying "Look, you had never anything to do with these criminal affairs before? What gives you the right to do now? WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT NOW?"

Yeah, she knew Zasa was running the neighbourhood, "like a disgrace", but what did she say next? "...that's what the other women tell me." The other women. Like those two old ladies who talk to Vincent, who live in Corleone territory, that's how Connie knew, she more than likely has friends in the Corleone territory. And here is where she saw Vincent, a man like the father, the brother she loved, has an opportunity to get in "Uncle Mike's" good books.

And from there, nothing else implies Connie has a position in the criminal organization of the family because she's hasn't.

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately..." wink