Originally posted by M.M. Floors:
Well, can you tell me who the heck then could be consiglieri. One who can support Vince and has been a long time with the family and has been trough a lot? Maybe Neri. But nobody else I think.
But think of it... we don't know an awful lot about Vinnie's life before his appearance in Part III! IF there's a Part IV, Vinnie could have an old friend or even a male family member (that he previously been friendly with, maybe even Connie's son!), which we've never seen before as his consiglieri. (Though I do admit it'd be a bit of a stretch to have yet another new character introduced).

Connie showed no interest in trying to make her way up in The Family business, she's a strong personality certainly, which helps her to cope with things like Mike murdering Fredo, but we saw her in Part III trying to encourage Vinnie to get in Michael's favour and become Don. This was because she loved him, and believe Vincent was "the only one with my father's strength."

"Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately..." wink