Godfather IV could answer all the questions that the other Godfathers leave. What happens to the family after Vito and the family are targeted by the government as mafiaso. The funeral at the end of GF IV was Don Tomasino's. Micheal did appear to die in the very last scene (falling off the chair). Coppola himself called this scene in at the last minute just to finish of Micheal and the Godfather films. It remains a literary anomaly because Micheals' plans to transfer all their assets into legitmate real estate investments seems to be going through. Micheal is ill but he does not feel he is going to die. Micheal is always the outsider to the others but he dominates under pressure. Micheal is not trying to be a mob guy (scene at Vitos birthday party at the end of GF II) he is alot more straight arrow than Vito. He is more boring, etc... Vito is bigger than life. Micheal in part III fulfills Vitos vision to dominate and gain all this wealth and power. Only in part III does Vitos vision, his plans for Micheal and his own redemption from a kind of ultimate failure take place. Coppola says no part IV. He is responsible for the problems in Part III which are mostly directorial ( those of perception). GF III is quite stunningly brilliant, partly in being able to follow up the original, partly in expanding the core plot in a new direction, expanding the concept of Vito even in his death. Vito lives in III, even in death.