There seems to be a lot of these threads floating around, so I'm not sure whether this is the right place to post this.

If there is to be a GFIV, I really, really DO NOT want Vinnie Mancini in it AT ALL. I thought the whole idea of Vinnie was a stretch, and it really ruined GFIII for me.

Second, it's been a long time since I read the book, but I don't recall (and I could be wrong) Lucy being pregnant when she meets the gynocologist. And while I understand the movie and the book are separate entities, one really DOES have to serve as a starting point for the other.

Third, I didn't like him. He was drawn to be the same kind of impulsive hothead his father was, which means that shortly after the botched assassination attempt on Michael, he would have done something totally stupid and reckless, and been killed himself.

If there has to be one, I'd like to see one of two things: Either a movie that highlights the missing years between the pre-quel scenes of GFII and the main thrust of GFI (Don Corleone's rise in organized crime, some of the wars he fought along the way, an enactment of the "bandleader" scene with Johnny Fontaine, etc.); OR a "what happens to Michael between the end of GFII and the beginning of GFIII." prequel. He's aged considerably, and for a guy who ended GFII so desolate and alone, he sure as hell got a lot of friends and had a personality transplant between the two movies.

Forget Vincent. He is to the Corleone Family was Joey Zaza was to the plot to tear it apart in GFIII -- small potatos.

"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis."