Originally posted by mtoppi:
Authors are still being saught and material is being reviewed. Published and represented authors and screenwriters only have been given consideration of solicited materials. The property is being referred to internally at Random House as "The Corleones" and NOT "Godfather 4."
None of the information above is privy or secret, but it has not been mentioned in any of these boards or on Jeff's site. I have additional information that I can share at a later time when I am confident that it will not get me in trouble/fired/sued.

Also, as far as the talk about Paramount pictures scouting for locations in Australia is concerned, I HIGHLY doubt that.
WOW...fantastic post, all good welcome news. Keep us updated please, dont get into trouble tho

Originally posted by Partagas:
How bout my idea for GF IV?

My idea has always been to bring Michael's "secret" son back to take over the Family. Of course, along with a parrallel story of the Family from the 20's uptil GF I starts.

Michael's "secret" son. "It was an abortion Michael, an abortion....." No it wasn't -- Kay got revenge by lying and having Michael's son in New England.
Wadda ya think?
Partagas, I love your GF4 plot. What an interesting idea that would be.
Wouldnt it be cool if people who 'had a bit of clout' (anyone not familiar with the term of 'having a bit of clout' please just let me know ) visited our boards and took on board a couple of ideas?