Originally posted by Puppeteer:
I thought the Vincent story wouldn't get votes, but it has.
My sentiments exactly. Then i started considering a goog plot for the new 'Don corleone'. Maybe when Mike handed the family buisness over he made Al Neri Vincents underboss. Maybe GF4 should be about Al Neri's betrayal of Michael Corleone, Neri should act under Vincents orders untill Michael dies and then assasinate Vincent and consume the power of the Corleone family. Neri is by far the most experianced member of the Corleones in their post Don Michael era. He could probably out-smart Vincent as a Don. This would be an excellent story (Also linking with Tessio's betrayal of Vito) as i belive Al Neri is a far more interesting character then Vincent Corleone.

......then again, maybe as someone mentioned before....it should be about Connie Corleone's rise to power in La Cosa nostra. It would have to be a satire film though.

My respects, Don Lucano.